If you are an investor, you probably must have realized that South America is increasingly being highlighted on the web as a potential investment ground. This initiated an interest of wanting to know more and probably get your hands on the opportunity. It’s no mere hype. Investment in Latin America is actually one of the new and trending things that people love about this continent.What ignited the sudden flames?Most of the places in the continent lie unexplored or at least offer good incentives that attract the attention of investors. Investing in Latin America became just much better with the unification by a common market inthe region.It’s inevitable as different regions across the globe are also gaining more interest in becoming completive. The global economy is becoming more integrated at a faster rate and the best way for markets to compete is by forming organizations to reduce competitive barriers and contend with gigantic players; China, United States and Europe.Some years back, there was a number of unions between South American nations formed but little or no progress was achieved. In the year 2008, a new treaty was signed that united all the countries of the continent was formed and was named Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). The union made significant achievements towards uniting the continent with the economy of Brazil emerging on global platform. Now Latin America has fuel for its ship into the future. There are no restrictions of movement and all visas for the South American citizens have been abolished. More is on the way and several opportunities unravelling. There’s more opportunities here than one can imagine.Here are some of the top countries that are worth giving a consideration for an international investor.1. Brazil This is Latin America’s powerhouse and home to beautiful attractions ever known all over the world.